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jogjakarta never ending asia

Saturday 14 June 2008

Jogja that was official him named "Yogyakarta" was the famous city would the history and his cultural inheritance.Jogja was the centre of the kingdom Mataram Kuno (1575-1640), and now had the palace (the Palace) that was still functioning in a real sense.Jogja also had many temples aged thousands of years that were the legacy of big kingdoms ancient, including being the Borobudur Temple that was built in the 9th age by the Syailendra dynasty.Apart from the cultural inheritance, Jogja had the beautiful nature panorama.The paddy-field carpet nan green covered the area of outskirts with Mount Merapi apparently as his background.The coasts that still were natural easily were found on the south of Jogja.The community here lived in peace and had the typical friendliness.Please to surround the city by the bicycle, the pedicab, or andong; you will find the sincere smile and the greeting that were warm in each corner of the city.The atmosphere of art was like that felt in Jogja.Malioboro, that was the Jogja artery, was flooded the handicraft from all the corners.The street musician then always was ready to entertain the visitor of lesehan restaurant stalls.Many people who had visited to Jogja said that this city always made missed.Visited here, you definitely will understand because of him.The transport to Jogja:
You could reach Jogja by the train from Jakarta, Bandung, or Surabaya.
Jogja could be reached by the bus from the Sumatran Island, Pulau Bali, and almost all the cities in the Javanese island.
At this time was available the direct flight Singapore-Jogja and Kuala Lumpur - Jogja.
Also was available the domestic flight Jakarta-Jogja, Denpasar-Jogja, Balikpapan-Jogja, and still many others.

Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta


One of the tourist attractions that often was visited by foreign tourists was the Malioboro road.
All along this Malioboro road pavement of plenty of stallholders.
Their merchandise was of various types like silver accessories, the hanging of the key, batik clothes, funny bags, sandals, shoes, the handicraft, and still many others.
The prices that were offered also could be covered but also could be bargained.
When tonight the Malioboro road was filled up with food stalls with various cooking kinds.
In the Malioboro road also was gotten 3 mall, that is mall Malioboro, Ramai Mall, and Ramayana Mall.
Moreover also was gotten the Beringharjo market that was the diligence market.


The local legend said that the Parangtritis Coast was the place of the palace establishment of Kanjeng Queen Kidul who controlled supernatural nature of Selatan Sea.
Aside from true not him this legend, the Parangtritis Coast continued to be the tourist attraction that was appropriate to be visited, everything was in this complex gotten many interesting tourist attractions, in part: Parangwedang, Pantai Parangkusumo, Dataran Tinggi Gambirowati, Goa Langse and the Grave Syeh Belu-Belu.
The Parangtritis coast was located around 27 km on the south of the Yogyakarta city.
His location was easy to be covered with various transport implements.
By that, in this region quite often was available accommodation facilities and the restaurant, the swimming pool, the bathing place and the camp earth.
Although the visitor was not permitted to swim in this coast because of his wave that was not friendly, the visitor could be still enjoying relaxed time while riding the horse followed the coast or joined in bendi.
At the edge of the coast also was gotten many small stalls that served the young coconut fresh (his price around Rp.
After satisfied enjoyed debur the wave and the rustle of the wind in the Parangtritis Coast, the visitor could continue the tour to several tourist attractions supranatural and scientific available in this region.

The Gumbirowati
This plateau could be followed by following the Parangtritis road headed to the side of Goa Langse.
From this plain, Parangtritis heavens of the coastal region were seen very clear.

Goa Langse
Gua Langse
that was located in foot tebing Parangtritis was the place tetirah that was famous, despite around it also many similar regions, like the Tapan Cave, Sendang Beji, and the Siluman Cave.
In his article books, Dr. Hermanus Johannes de Graaf, the Dutch scientist who specialised in Javanese land investigation, acknowledged the Langse Cave as the Cave of Kanjeng Queen Kidul.
Therefore, this cave was the place that often was visited by the Mataram re-king.
In this cave it seems had meditated also Sheikh Siti Jenar and Sunan Kalijaga.
From the Parangtritis coast to head the Langse Cave must be still going around 3 km to the east.
Don't be startled or felt horrified when you have been on the lip tebing.
With the height tebing 400 m. and almost upright, the trip headed the Langse Cave became the special challenge.
The road headed to foot tebing the place of the Langse Cave was took the form of the mixture between the ladder (was 4 to the place that was separated), the root, and the stone protrusion.
An arrival in the cave, the visitor could bathe in one of the rooms.
Water that was used bathed came from the spring that went out from inside the cave.
His water that was cold and tasteless as well as contained the level of high lime could eliminate the fatigue as a result of the trip headed the cave.
Be finished bathed, just the visitor was invited to meditate.
Solitude in the cave really helped to focus thoughts.

The knoll (the only one in South-East Asia) near Pantai Parangtritis was gotten the sand carpet that was hilly, was mentioned with the knoll or the sand-dune (sand dunes).
The available knoll in this region was the matter that was rare for the tropical area wet, in fact the only one in the South-East Asian territory.
The other place that had the similar knoll was Saudi Arabia and the Gobi Desert (China).
This knoll was the nature laboratory that was formed through the process thousands of years.
In Parangkusumo had several types of the form of the rare knoll, that is barchan dune (had the shape of the sickle), parabolic dune (had the shape of the parabola), comb dune (had the shape of the hand), as well as longitudinal dune (the hill that memanjang).

was a source of the hot spring that just like the mineral (the biggest element was Na, Cl, and Mg).
The uniqueness, was not found the element of the sulphur like usual him a source of the hot spring.
Tips for the visitor the Parangtritis Coast: had the alternative route to reach the Parangtritis Coast, that is Yogyakarta - Imogiri - Siluk - Parangtritis.
This route indeed 10 km longer, but offered scenery that interesting took the form of the blend of the river and coral hills.
The visitor was suggested to not put on coloured clothes green when visiting to the Parangtritis Coast to honour the inhabitants's local belief.They worried the disaster to the visitor the Parangtritis Coast that put on coloured clothes will happen green.
At this time these types have been again incomplete, that often emerged remained barchan and longitudinal.
The voice that canned be heard only debur the wave of the south coast.
Besides this, was gotten also the Gapit Hill, a hills that often was used as the leap race start layang was suspended

Silver diligence kotagede

Kotagede or the Gede City was sometimes acknowledged as the Ibukota Lama City, because previously this place was the capital of the Kingdom Islam Mataram that was first.
Beforehand, this place only the forest that was acknowledged as the Mentaok Foundation, that was given to Panembahan Senopati by Sultan Pajang because Senopati helped rescued Display.
During 1575, Panembahan Senopati, that became the king Mataram Islam that was first, built this region and appointed him as the capital city.
Kotagede became the capital till 1640.
After that the third king Mataram Islam, Sultan Agung moved the capital to the Kerto Village, Plered-Bantul.
This new capital was located around 6 km on the west of Kotagede.
According to he said, this transfer on the basis of to get the strength and the bigger glory mystically.
Now remained at just a few legacy things and the important building Mataram Islam that still was remaining in this old city.
Several of the him was relatives's grave Prince Senopati, the wall and the foundation some pendapa (space in front of the kingdom), and Sendang Selirang - a place pond bathed the royal family.
The three legacies of this history were located in a page be closed, together with the Kotagede palace mosque, around 200 m. to the south of the traditional Kotagede market.
The funeral was opened for the public every time on Monday and on Thursday from striking 10,00 to 12.00 and on Friday in struck 13,00 - 15,00.
The visitors must put on traditional Javanese clothes: batik.
These clothes were hired out in this location.
Among the legacy thing of this history, we still could find building-banguinan other that more reinforced the attraction of this long capital city.
Including being the house belonging to the people Support.
They it was suspected were the original inhabitants Kotagede and were known as the artist.
They made ukiran wood and gold.
They came from the Majapahit Hindu royal territory in East Java and Bali, that were asked for by the country Mataram Islam to satisfy the requirement would art.
After was remained Sultan Agung during the 1700 's, Support bacame very rich because of their work, they built the luxurious house with architecture of Hindu Java.

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